Washington, D.C. 20549


                             FORM 8-K CURRENT REPORT

                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934


                Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)

                                January 31, 2003

                            DORCHESTER MINERALS, L.P.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

        Delaware               333-88282                81-0551518
- ------------------------ -------------------- --------------------------------
(State of Incorporation) (Commission File No) (IRS Employer Identification No.)

      3738 Oak Lawn, Suite 300, Dallas, Texas                       75219
- ----------------------------------------------------          -----------------
     (Address of principal executive offices)                     (Zip Code)

                                  (214) 559-0300
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

          (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)

Item 2. Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.

     Attached as Exhibit 99.1 is a press release issued by Dorchester  Minerals,
L.P. on January 31, 2003 with respect to the combination of Dorchester  Hugoton,
Ltd., Republic Royalty Company,  Spinnaker Royalty Company,  L.P. and Dorchester
Minerals, L.P.

Item 7.  Financial   Statements  and  Exhibits.

     (a)  Financial statements of businesses acquired

               The financial  statements of the businesses  acquired included in
          Dorchester  Minerals,  L.P.'s (i)  Registration  Statement on Form S-4
          filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission on October 30, 2002
          and (ii)  Supplement  No. 1 to the  Proxy  Statement/Prospectus  dated
          October  30,  2002,  dated  December  13,  2002  and  filed  with  the
          Securities   and  Exchange   Commission  on  December  16,  2002,  are
          incorporated herein by reference.

     (b)  Pro forma financial information

               The pro forma  financial  information  as of  December  31,  2001
          included in Dorchester Minerals, L.P.'s Registration Statement on Form
          S-4 filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission on October 30,
          2002 is  incorporated  herein by  reference.  The pro forma  financial
          information  as of  September  30,  2002 will be filed at a later date
          pursuant to Item 7, subpart (a)(4) of Form 8-K.

     (c)  Exhibits

          99.1  Press Release dated January 31, 2003


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, hereunto duly authorized.

                                       DORCHESTER MINERALS, L.P.

                                    by Dorchester Minerals Management LP
                                       its General Partner,
                                    by Dorchester Minerals Management GP LLC
                                       its General Partner

Date: February 3, 2003                 /s/ William Casey McManemin
                                       William Casey McManemin
                                       Chief Executive Officer

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Item Number     Description
- -----------     -----------
     99.1       Press Release dated January 31, 2003

                                                                    Exhibit 99.1

NEWS RELEASE       Dorchester Minerals, L. P.      3738 Oak Lawn Ave., Suite 300
Release Date:      January 31, 2003                     Dallas, Texas 75219-4379
Contact:           Casey McManemin                                (214) 559-0300
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                      DORCHESTER MINERALS, L. P. ANNOUNCES

     DALLAS,  TEXAS - January 31, 2003 -- Dorchester  Minerals,  L. P. (NASDAQ -
DMLP)  announced  today that all steps  necessary  to effect the  closing of the
previously announced  combination  transaction among Dorchester Minerals,  L.P.,
Republic  Royalty  Company,  Spinnaker  Royalty  Company,  L.P.,  and Dorchester
Hugoton,  Ltd. have been taken and that the transaction will become effective at
midnight tonight.

     Dorchester  Minerals,  L.P. is the new publicly traded limited  partnership
that resulted from the combination. The first day of trading of its common units
will be February  3, 2003.  Dorchester  Hugoton,  Ltd.  (NASDAQ - DHULZ)  ceased
trading its partnership Units January 31, 2003.

     Unitholders  of  Dorchester   Hugoton  will  receive  one  common  unit  of
Dorchester Minerals for one partnership Unit of Dorchester Hugoton held at close
of business on January 31, 2003,  plus a liquidating  distribution  of $1.90 per
Dorchester Hugoton Unit.

     Dorchester  Minerals' business plan is to own a 96.97% net profits interest
in working  interest  properties,  including  those  formerly held by Dorchester
Hugoton,  and to own and hold  producing  and  non-producing  mineral,  royalty,
overriding  royalty,  net  profits  and  leasehold  interests  currently  in 564
counties/parishes  in 27  states.  Dorchester  Minerals  will  distribute,  on a
quarterly  basis,  all cash received  beyond that required to pay costs and fund
reasonable reserves.  Dorchester Minerals does not anticipate incurring any debt
other than ordinary trade debt and will seek to avoid unrelated business taxable
income for federal income tax purposes.

     Dorchester  Minerals,  L. P. is based in Dallas,  Texas and will  currently
have 27,040,431 common units outstanding on the Nasdaq with the symbol DMLP.
