Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

            Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): November 7, 2003

                            DORCHESTER MINERALS, L.P.
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

          Delaware                       000-50175              81-0551518
      -----------------                  ---------              ----------
(State or other jurisdiction of         Commission            (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)         File Number          Identification No.)

        3738 Oak Lawn, Suite 300                                    75219
              Dallas, Texas                                         -----
        ------------------------                                 (Zip Code)
(Address of principal executive offices)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (214) 559-0300

              (Former name, former address and former fiscal year,
                          if changed since last report)

Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits. (c) Exhibits -------- 99.1 Press Release dated November 7, 2003 Announcing Third Quarter Results Item 9. Regulation FD Disclosure. See Item 12. Results of Operations and Financial Condition. Item 12. Results of Operations and Financial Condition. The Registrant is furnishing its press release dated November 7, 2003, which announces the Registrant's third quarter results. The press release is attached hereto as Exhibit 99.1 and incorporated herein by reference. Limitation on Incorporation by Reference In accordance with general instructions B.2 and B.6 of Form 8-K, the information in this report, including exhibits, is furnished pursuant to Items 9 and 12 and shall not be deemed "filed" for the purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or otherwise subject to the liability of that section.

SIGNATURE Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. DORCHESTER MINERALS, L.P. Registrant by Dorchester Minerals Management LP its General Partner, by Dorchester Minerals Management GP LLC its General Partner Date: November 7, 2003 By: /s/ William Casey McManemin ----------------------------- William Casey McManemin Chief Executive Officer

Exhibit 99.1

NEWS RELEASE                                           Dorchester Minerals, L.P.
Release Date: November 7, 2003                     3738 Oak Lawn Ave., Suite 300
                                                        Dallas, Texas 75219-4379
Contact: Casey McManemin                                          (214) 559-0300
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     DALLAS,  TEXAS -- Dorchester Minerals,  L.P. (the "Partnership")  announced
today the  Partnership's net earnings (loss) for the quarter ended September 30,
2003 as follows:

Earnings before non-cash impairment (Non-GAAP)                $       4,904,000
Earnings before non-cash impairment (Non-GAAP), per unit      $            0.18
Non-cash impairment charge                                    $      21,590,000
Non-cash impairment charge, per unit                          $            0.78
Net loss                                                      $     (16,686,000)
Net loss per unit                                             $           (0.60)

     The non-cash  impairment charge reflects an impairment of the Partnership's
capitalized  costs in accordance  with the full-cost  method of accounting,  and
does  not  affect  the   Partnership's   cash  flow  from   operations  or  cash
distributions  to unitholders.  The  Partnership's  cash  distributions  are not
comparable  to its net  earnings due to timing and other  differences  including
depletion.  (The last  paragraph  of this release  contains a discussion  of the
Partnership's use of net earnings before non-cash impairment charges, which is a
financial measure not defined by generally accepted accounting principles.)

     A  comparison  of the  Partnership's  results  for the three and nine month
periods ending September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively, are set forth below:

                               Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                                  September 30,             September 30,
                           -------------------------- ------------ -------------
                           ------------- ------------ ------------ -------------
                               2003          2002         2003         2002
                           ------------- ------------ ------------ -------------
Net Operating Revenues     $ 12,548,000  $ 4,509,000  $ 37,804,000  $12,857,000
Depreciation, Depletion,
 Amortization                (6,600,000)    (539,000)  (18,243,000)  (1,616,000)
Non-Cash Impairment         (21,590,000)         ---   (43,804,000)         ---
All Other Expenses, Net      (1,044,000)  (1,310,000)   (7,428,000)  (4,026,000)
                            ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------
Net Earnings (Loss)        $(16,686,000) $ 2,660,000  $(31,671,000) $ 7,215,000
                           ============= ============ ============= ============

Net Earnings (Loss)
 Per Unit                  $       (.60) $      0.24  $      (1.22) $      0.66

Earnings Excluding Non-Cash
Impairment (Non-GAAP)      $  4,904,000               $ 12,133,000
                           =============              =============
Earnings Per Unit
Excluding Non-Cash
Impairment (Non-GAAP)      $       0.18               $       0.47

     This is the third earnings report for the Partnership since the combination
of the business and properties of Dorchester Hugoton,  Ltd. (Hugoton),  Republic
Royalty Company (Republic) and Spinnaker Royalty Company  (Spinnaker) on January
31, 2003. In accordance with applicable  accounting rules, Hugoton was deemed to
be the acquirer of the Republic and Spinnaker assets.  Year-to-date 2003 results
reflect Hugoton's  operations  during January and the  Partnership's  operations
during February through September.  The acquisitions of Republic and Spinnaker's
assets were recorded at values assigned in accordance  with purchase  accounting
rules,  which values  significantly  exceed the historical  book values of these
assets prior to the combination.  In accordance with full-cost accounting rules,
the non-cash impairment charge results primarily from these increased values and
changes  in  prevailing  oil  and  gas  product  prices  since  the  combination
transaction.  Year-to-date  2003 earnings include previous  non-cash  impairment
charges,  and severance (employee retention) payments and other payments made by
Hugoton  immediately prior to the combination  transaction.  Accounting  methods
require the quarter ended September 30, 2003 and  Year-to-Date  2003 Partnership
results to be compared to Hugoton results for the  corresponding  periods during

     Dorchester  Minerals,  L.P. is a Dallas area based owner of  producing  and
non-producing  natural  gas and  crude  oil  royalty,  overriding  royalty,  net
profits,  and leasehold interests and its units trade on the Nasdaq Stock Market
under the symbol DMLP.

     This press release contains  non-generally  accepted  accounting  principle
financial measures of earnings before non-cash charges.  The amounts included in
the  calculation  of these  measures are computed in accordance  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles (GAAP),  with the exception of the exclusion of
the  non-cash  impairment  charge.  We  believe  that this  measure is useful to
unitholders  because  energy  industry  investors  generally  see  disclosure of
earnings  before  impairment  charges and because it is consistent with industry
